KoolMoves is a web animation authoring tool that creates Flash movies and frames for animated gifs. Used by both professionals and novices to create rich interactive content for web sites, KoolMoves is a popular Flash authoring tool with rave industry reviews! As Flash has developed into the standard for animation on the web, KoolMoves has emerged as an advanced but low cost alternative to Flash.
Combining ease-of-use with a wealth of powerful animation effects, KoolMoves makes it easy and inexpensive to create professional quality Flash movies for web sites.
KoolMoves is an affordable Flash authoring tool that is full featured and easy to use. It is ideal for creating a wide range of web content with high impact visuals, MP3 and WAV sound. Play video & music with stylish media players; Create high impact web sites & animations; Customize text effects, buttons, & clip art; Add impressive 3D text and shape effects; Use templates or create your own designs; Take control with Flash 9 action scripts, plus more.
• Import images and sounds
• 71 action script based text/image effects
• 100 stylish text effects templates
• 343 clip art items and buttons
• Wizard for adding Flash animation to web page
• Capture frames for gif animation
• Easy to use customizable preloaders
• Many unique views of the animation
• Slide show wizard
• Banner wizard
• 43 customizable 3D effects
• 40 media player skins
• 28 web interface templates
• 4 skill levels (wizards to cartooning)
• Import Flash animation as object or editable
• Import FLV Flash video
• Full set of drawing/shape manipulation tools
• Dynamic text
• Flash 9 action scripting (AS3)
• Flash 8 filter/blend effects
• 16 interface components (e.g. slide show)
• Masking
• Import/export SVG
• Ease in/out tweening
• Variable line width
• Character animation bones
What's New in KoolMoves v7.2:
Added support for Flash 10 export (Flash 10 intrinsic classes are partially integrated).
Added support for Vector type.
Added Flash 10 filter classes in km.filters package and added to user interface.
Added ability to import animated gifs and 3D models (.3ds, .ase, .md2, .obj) as objects.
Added a new component called AudioVisualizer in km.components package.
Added ability to set the skin for a dynamic text scroll bar (exported as Flash 9 or higher).
Added shuffle property to MediaPlayer and SlideShow objects.
Added fonts to symbol library.
Added Advanced button next to minimum flash export version for setting minimum Flash version for exporting dynamic html text.
Added links to support page tutorials for some of the context help pages.
Changed Matrix3D to MatrixNecro3D in necro package to avoid conflict with Flash 9. Matrix3D intrinsic class (previous Matrix3D file in necro folder should be deleted).
Fixed a problem with go to frame action (set through the action screen popup) when a preloader is used in Flash 9/10 export.
Fixed a problem with exporting AS3 conditional expressions in certain situations.
Fixed a problem with XML E4X involving a non-typed variable.
Fixed a problem with Flash 9/10 export of buttons in certain situations.
Fixed a problem in setting the minimum Flash version required for buttons with image states to compensate for a possible Flash player bug.
Fixed a problem with different movie clips having the same class name.
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