COMODO System Cleaner 2.2.135611.5
System Cleaner is a file cleaner, disk registry cleaner, and privacy cleaner that includes our unique feature: SafeDelete. With SafeDelete, accidental deletions are a worry of the past.
Comodo System-Cleaner features:
* Windows registry cleaner identifies, removes or repairs any unnecessary or corrupted entries
* Disk cleaner removes all the clutter from your disk drive to free up space and improve performance
* Privacy cleaner deletes cookies, cache, history, and usage records, helping to protect your privacy and identity
* SafeDelete lets Comodo System Cleaner clean as deeply as possible without fear of removing something vital to your PC’s performance
* Includes a Windows customization tool to reveal previously obscure Windows settings and lets you tweak and change them with ease
Comodo System Cleaner’s elimination of risk means it can reach deep into your PC and fully destroy any space-wasting junk. We’ve taken this ground-breaking feature and applied it to every aspect of CSC: the registry cleaner, disk cleaner, privacy cleaner, and duplicate finder. Users will also have access to a staggering menu of Windows customization options, to make your system perform exactly as you desire.
PC cleaning is a necessary maintenance task that can unfortunately be quite fear-inducing for the average computer user. Fear no longer: Comodo System Cleaner is here, and it’s completely free. Happy cleaning!
# What's fixed:
# Installed applications detection bug
# Small setup bugs
Known Issues:
# None that we know of
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